Category: League of Legends

5 Reasons Why LoL Is Hated

League of Legends (LoL) is one of the most popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games in the world, boasting millions of players and a vibrant esports scene. However, not everyone is enamored with the game, and it’s important to understand the reasons why. In this article, we’ll delve into the five primary reasons why some individuals have a less-than-favorable opinion of League of Legends.

  1. Toxic Community

One of the most significant issues that has plagued League of Legends since its inception is the perceived toxicity within its player community. Toxicity in online gaming often manifests as rude, offensive, and unsportsmanlike behavior, including excessive trash-talking, harassment, and trolling. Many players report experiencing or witnessing toxic behavior, which can make the gaming experience stressful and unenjoyable.

The toxic behavior can manifest in various forms, such as:

  • Verbal abuse: Players hurl insults, derogatory language, and offensive comments at their teammates, often triggered by mistakes or underperformance.
  • Intentional feeding: Some players deliberately make poor decisions, die frequently, or waste resources, which can ruin the experience for the rest of the team.
  • Refusing to cooperate: Cooperation is essential in a team-based game like League of Legends, but some players refuse to work together, leading to frustration and defeat.

These negative behaviors can be particularly discouraging for new players or those looking for a more relaxed gaming experience. Although Riot Games, the developer of League of Legends, has implemented measures to combat toxicity, it remains a significant issue that has contributed to the game’s negative reputation.

  1. Steep Learning Curve

League of Legends is known for its steep learning curve. New players often find themselves overwhelmed by the game’s complexity, including the multitude of champions, items, abilities, and strategies. Understanding the game mechanics, champion abilities, and item builds can take a significant amount of time and practice. This can be intimidating for newcomers who may be discouraged by the initial difficulty.

The learning curve is exacerbated by the fact that experienced players often smurf, or create secondary accounts, and play against less-skilled opponents. This can result in unfair matchups, frustrating experiences, and a sense of hopelessness for new and less experienced players.

  1. Frequent Balance Changes

League of Legends is an evolving game, and Riot Games regularly introduces balance changes, patches, and updates to maintain the game’s health and competitive integrity. While these changes are necessary to ensure a dynamic and engaging gameplay experience, they can also be a source of frustration for players. Frequent shifts in the meta, champion balance, and itemization can require players to adapt quickly and relearn the game.

Additionally, balance changes can lead to champions or strategies that become overpowered or underpowered, causing frustration for players who feel that their favorite champions are no longer viable or that certain champions are too strong. These frequent adjustments can create a sense of instability and dissatisfaction among the player base.

  1. Time-Consuming Matches

League of Legends matches can be time-consuming affairs, with games often lasting 30 minutes to an hour or more. Longer matches can be a barrier for players with limited time to invest in gaming. There is also the issue of surrendering or ending a game early if it becomes apparent that the outcome is certain, which can lead to disagreements among teammates.

Additionally, the absence of a pause feature in normal games can be frustrating when unexpected real-life interruptions occur, making it difficult for players to balance gaming with other responsibilities.

  1. Smurfing and Unbalanced Matchmaking

As mentioned earlier, smurfing is a common issue in League of Legends, where experienced players create secondary accounts to play against less-skilled opponents. This creates a lopsided experience for new or less experienced players, as they often face opponents who outclass them in skill and knowledge.

Unbalanced matchmaking is also a concern. The matchmaking system is supposed to pair players with opponents of similar skill levels, but it doesn’t always succeed. Many players have experienced lopsided matches where one team dominates the other due to significant skill disparities. This leads to frustrating and unenjoyable games for those on the losing side.


While League of Legends has a massive and passionate player base, it’s not without its share of detractors. The toxicity within the community, steep learning curve, frequent balance changes, time-consuming matches, and issues related to smurfing and unbalanced matchmaking contribute to the negative perception of the game for some individuals. It’s essential to acknowledge these concerns while also recognizing that League of Legends remains a beloved and engaging experience for millions of players worldwide. Whether you enjoy or dislike the game, it’s a testament to the complexity and depth of the gaming world, where experiences can vary greatly from player to player.

League of Legends: Why Is It Addictive

League of Legends, often referred to simply as LoL, has become a global gaming phenomenon since its release in 2009. With millions of players worldwide, it’s not just a game; it’s a cultural phenomenon. But what is it about this online multiplayer battle arena game that keeps players glued to their screens, pouring countless hours into its virtual worlds? In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind the addictive nature of League of Legends, exploring the game’s intricate design, social elements, and the psychology that makes it so captivating.

1. Competitive Nature

At its core, League of Legends is a highly competitive game. Players are divided into two teams, each with the goal of defeating the other by destroying their Nexus. This competitive environment fuels players’ desire to win and improve. The game’s ranking system, which allows players to climb the ladder from Bronze to Challenger, adds an extra layer of competitiveness, pushing players to perform better and move up in the rankings.

2. Complexity and Strategy

One of the most captivating aspects of League of Legends is its complexity. The game features over 150 champions, each with unique abilities and playstyles. This wide variety of choices means that players can experiment with different champions, roles, and strategies, keeping the game fresh and engaging. The need to understand not only your own champion but also the strengths and weaknesses of others adds depth to the gameplay.

3. Teamwork and Social Interaction

League of Legends is designed as a team-based game. Players must work together with their teammates to achieve victory. The need for collaboration and coordination fosters social interaction and creates a sense of camaraderie among players. Whether it’s planning strategies, coordinating attacks, or just celebrating victories together, the social element of the game is a significant part of its appeal.

4. Mastery and Progression

The game offers a sense of mastery and progression that keeps players coming back for more. The feeling of improvement as you learn to play a champion better, make better decisions, and climb the ranks is incredibly rewarding. League of Legends provides a constant stream of goals and objectives, such as mastering new champions or achieving a higher rank, that keep players engaged and striving for more.

5. Regular Updates and Events

League of Legends doesn’t remain stagnant. The game receives regular updates, introducing new champions, balance changes, skins, and in-game events. These updates not only keep the game fresh but also create a sense of anticipation among players. The excitement of discovering new content and adapting to changes in the game’s meta keeps players coming back.

6. Spectator Sport

League of Legends is not just a game to play; it’s also a spectator sport. The competitive scene, with tournaments like the League of Legends World Championship, attracts millions of viewers. Watching professional players showcases the game’s potential and strategies, encouraging players to aspire to higher levels of skill and gameplay.

7. Psychological Rewards

The game is designed to deliver a series of psychological rewards. Winning a game brings a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, while losing motivates players to improve and try again. The concept of “Elo hell,” where players believe they are stuck in a lower rank due to poor teammates, drives a desire to prove oneself and climb higher.

8. Collectibles and Customization

The game offers a range of collectible items and customization options. Players can earn or purchase skins for their champions, which not only changes their appearance but also adds a level of personalization. The desire to collect skins and customize champions is a strong motivator for many players.

9. Accessibility and Free-to-Play Model

League of Legends employs a free-to-play model, making it accessible to a wide range of players. The game generates revenue through in-game purchases, primarily cosmetic items that do not impact gameplay. This accessibility removes financial barriers, allowing a broad audience to enjoy the game.

10. Social Connection

League of Legends provides a platform for social interaction, connecting players from all over the world. Players can team up with friends or meet new people through the game. The social connections formed in LoL contribute to the game’s addictive nature, as players bond over shared experiences and challenges.


The addictive nature of League of Legends can be attributed to its competitive environment, complexity, teamwork, and social elements. The sense of mastery, progression, and psychological rewards keep players engaged, while regular updates and events maintain the game’s freshness. The allure of customization and collectibles, combined with the accessibility and free-to-play model, makes LoL a game that players find difficult to put down. Ultimately, League of Legends is more than just a game; it’s a multifaceted experience that keeps players coming back for the thrill of competition, the joy of teamwork, and the excitement of constant improvement.

Is League of Legends Pay To Win?

“Is League of Legends pay-to-win?” is a question that has circulated within the gaming community for years. League of Legends, developed by Riot Games, is one of the most popular and competitive multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games in the world. It has achieved this status through a combination of strategic gameplay, teamwork, and a microtransaction system. In this article, we will thoroughly examine the pay-to-win aspect of League of Legends, addressing in-game purchases, their impact on gameplay, and whether or not they genuinely give paying players an advantage.

The Microtransaction Model

League of Legends operates on a free-to-play model, meaning anyone can download and play the game without paying a cent. Revenue is generated through microtransactions. Players can spend real money to purchase in-game items and cosmetics, such as skins, champions, and other content.

  1. Champions: One of the core elements of the game is the roster of champions, each with their unique abilities. Players can unlock champions with in-game currency (Influence Points or Blue Essence) or purchase them with Riot Points (RP), which are acquired with real money. The ability to unlock champions faster with RP has led to some claims of pay-to-win, which we will explore further.
  2. Skins: Skins are purely cosmetic and do not impact gameplay. They allow players to customize their champions’ appearance but offer no advantages in terms of power or abilities.
  3. Boosts: Boosts can be purchased to accelerate the acquisition of Influence Points, which can be used to unlock champions or other in-game content faster. These are, again, not directly related to gameplay.

Pay-to-Win or Pay-for-Convenience?

The pay-to-win debate often hinges on whether spending real money in League of Legends provides an unfair advantage in actual gameplay. To address this, we need to break down what constitutes a pay-to-win scenario.

Pay-to-win generally implies that paying players gain a significant advantage over non-paying players in terms of gameplay mechanics, making it difficult for non-paying players to compete. In the context of League of Legends, the debate primarily centers around the acquisition of champions.

The Impact of Champion Acquisition

  1. Champion Rotation: League of Legends offers a free champion rotation, allowing all players to access a set of champions each week. This rotation enables free players to experience a wide variety of champions without spending any money. New players can gradually unlock champions using in-game currency earned through gameplay.
  2. Riot Points: The option to purchase champions with RP raises questions about the pay-to-win aspect. While RP allows players to unlock champions faster, it doesn’t inherently make a player more skilled. A player’s success in League of Legends depends on their mastery of their chosen champions and overall game knowledge.
  3. Champion Mastery: Mastering a champion often involves investing time and effort, not just money. A player who spends money to unlock champions won’t necessarily perform better than one who gradually unlocks champions through in-game currency. Skills, tactics, and understanding the game’s mechanics play a more significant role in determining success.

Competitive Equality

One key point to consider in the pay-to-win debate is that League of Legends is designed to be a competitive and balanced game. Riot Games continually works to ensure that no player gains an unfair advantage due to the champions they choose or the way they obtain them. This commitment to competitive equality has been a driving force behind the game’s longevity and success.

Patches and Balance Changes

League of Legends receives frequent patches and balance updates that adjust champion statistics, abilities, and itemization. These changes are made to ensure that no single champion becomes overpowered or unbeatable. Riot Games is vigilant about maintaining a balanced playing field, addressing issues promptly, and keeping the competitive spirit alive.

Skill-Based Gameplay

League of Legends is primarily skill-based. A player’s rank, performance, and success in the game are determined by their individual skills, teamwork, and game knowledge. The champions one uses or how they were obtained are secondary to these core aspects of gameplay.

Personal Choice and Customization

A fundamental aspect of the League of Legends microtransaction system is that it offers players choice and customization rather than a direct gameplay advantage. Players can spend money on champions, skins, or other in-game items based on their personal preferences, but these choices do not inherently translate to a better chance of winning.

Skin Sales and Customization

Skins, one of the primary microtransaction items in the game, offer players a chance to express themselves creatively. They do not influence gameplay mechanics, and their purchase is a matter of personal preference. Some players enjoy collecting and showcasing different skins for their favorite champions, but these choices do not provide any competitive edge.

Purchasing Champions

The option to unlock champions more quickly with RP is a matter of convenience. Players who have less time to invest in the game or those who want to explore a broader range of champions may find this option appealing. However, the actual gameplay performance remains dependent on a player’s skill and understanding of the game’s mechanics.


The question of whether League of Legends is pay-to-win is a contentious one. While the game’s microtransaction system allows players to spend real money on various in-game items, including champions, it does not fundamentally alter the competitive balance of the game. Riot Games has taken measures to ensure that the acquisition of champions does not grant a substantial advantage in gameplay.

League of Legends remains true to its competitive spirit, with success primarily determined by individual skill, teamwork, and game knowledge. The availability of free champion rotations, the game’s frequent balance updates, and the commitment of Riot Games to competitive equality all contribute to the notion that League of Legends is not a pay-to-win game.

Ultimately, the choice to spend money on League of Legends is a matter of personal preference, allowing players to customize their experience and express themselves within the game’s vibrant and ever-evolving community. While microtransactions are part of the game, they do not compromise its competitive integrity, and players can enjoy the game and compete at the highest levels without making any purchases.

League of Legends: How To Play

League of Legends (LoL) is one of the most popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games in the world. With over 100 million active monthly players, this free-to-play game has a thriving esports scene and incredibly passionate fanbase. If you’re new to LoL and looking to start playing, here is a beginner’s guide on how to play League of Legends:

Getting Started

First, you’ll need to download and install League of Legends on your computer. It’s available for free on the official League of Legends website. Once installed, you’ll need to create an account and choose a unique username and password.

After logging in, you’ll be prompted to complete a short tutorial. This covers the absolute basics like moving, attacking, abilities, leveling up, buying items, and more. Completing the tutorial rewards you with enough in-game currency to unlock your first champion.

Understanding the Map

League of Legends is played on a square map called Summoner’s Rift. There are three main lanes – top, middle, and bottom. Five players on each team start in the bottom and top lanes, while a single player goes mid.

There are also two areas called the jungle located between the lanes. This where neutral monsters spawn that give gold and XP when killed. Between the lanes are structures called turrets that defend each team’s side of the map.

The ultimate goal is to push past your opponent’s defenses, destroy their structures and “Nexus” located at their base. This requires slowly gaining advantages across the map through farming, getting kills, securing objectives like Baron and dragons, and winning teamfights.

Choosing Your Champion

League of Legends has over 140 different champions to choose from. Champions have unique abilities and fight using a combination of melee, ranged, or magical attacks. There are several basic champion types or roles:

Tanks – Tough champions that can absorb damage for the team. Examples: Amumu, Malphite Fighters – Versatile champs good at brawling and skirmishing. Examples: Garen, Renekton Mages – Ranged magic damage dealers. Examples: Annie, Orianna Assassins – Mobile champs that quickly kill enemies. Examples: Zed, Katarina Marksmen – Ranged physical damage carries. Examples: Ashe, Caitlyn Supports – Champs that healing and directly assist allies. Examples: Soraka, Nami

It’s recommended that new players start with simple champions like Ashe, Master Yi, Garen, and Annie. This allows you to learn the fundamentals before playing complex champs.

Queuing Up for a Match

League of Legends matches are played in two main modes: 5v5 Summoner’s Rift and ARAM (All Random All Mid). As a beginner, you’ll want to focus on 5v5, which offers the core League experience.

To queue up for a 5v5 game, click the large Play button on the home screen. You’ll be able to select your game mode, champion, and position preference before entering matchmaking. Matches typically take 30-45 minutes to complete.

The matchmaking system will pair you with and against players of similar skill. Your first few normal matches may seem imbalanced as the system tries to calibrate your skill – don’t get discouraged!

Learning the Fundamentals

During a match, your goal is to out-farm, out-level, and ultimately out-play the enemy team. Here are some fundamental concepts and objectives:

  • Farming minions – Killing AI minions provides gold and XP to level up faster
  • Poking enemies – Using abilities to deal damage and zone opponents away
  • Vision control – Using wards to gain vision and avoid ganks
  • Objective control – Taking dragon, Baron, turrets when opportunities arise
  • Teamfights – Grouping up to overwhelm enemies with abilities
  • Carrying – Getting fed as a damage dealer to single-handedly win fights

Focus on improving one or two skills at a time. For example, concentrating on CSing better or looking at the mini-map more often. Review your replays to identify areas for improvement. It takes lots of practice over many matches to improve your gameplay.

Getting to Level 30

Initially, you’ll be limited to normal Blind Pick games. Once your account reaches level 10, Draft Pick unlocks. At level 30, ranked mode becomes available where you can compete against players of similar skill and climb the ranks from Iron to Challenger.

Reaching level 30 can take 200-300 matches – be patient and focus on learning. Use mute liberally, report toxic players, and find friendly players to team up with. League becomes exponentially more fun when playing with friends. You could also use lol smurfs services to help you buy level 30 ready accounts.

Expanding Your Champion Pool

As you get comfortable with League fundamentals, you can begin expanding your champion pool for more flexibility in drafts. Try out different types of champions to find playstyles you excel at and enjoy.

Look up guides on Mobafire, Probuilds, and YouTube channels like ProGuides to learn new champions. Stick to simpler, meta picks at first before experimenting with complex champs.

Last Words

Lastly, remember to HAVE FUN! League is a complex and challenging game that rewards dedication and practice. Stay positive, focused on improvement, and you’ll be dominating the Rift in no time. See you on the Fields of Justice, Summoner!